

  • Burhanuddin Universitas Gunung Rinjani


Existence, Pancasila, State Administration System


Research to determine the position of the Pancasila Ideology
Development Agency in the state administration system of the
Republic of Indonesia. This agency was formed as a concrete effort
by the government to carry out its function as state administrator in
responding to the developing political situation in society, related to
the emergence of several political currents and identity politics which
are closely related to the role of Pancasila as the state ideology.
Previously the President had issued Presidential Decree Number 54 of
2017 concerning UKP-PIP which was considered to make it difficult
for the agency to coordinate with ministries and state agencies,
because the UKP-PIP's authority was still at the level of the Ministry's
Director General. This research uses normative legal research with
statutory and conceptual approaches. The analysis technique used is
qualitative analysis by collecting legal material and then editing it first
to be used as material for analysis that is qualitative in nature.


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How to Cite

Burhanuddin. (2020). EKSISTENSI BADAN PEMBINAAN IDEOLOGI PANCASILA (BPIP) DALAM SISTEM KETATANEGARAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA. JURIDICA : Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gunung Rinjani, 2(1), 55–73. https://doi.org/10.46601/juridica.v2i1.181

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